Monthly Archives: August 2011

Ateneo Blue Repertory’s Little Shop of Horrors

Poster from the Ateneo BlueRep LSOH Page

I had just watched the Ateneo Blue Repertory’s ongoing play entitled Little Shop of Horrors and I am literally at a loss for words! I have to admit there’s a bit of bias here and there since a few of my friends were performers of the play. I initially went to support my friend who was part of the logistic committee for this show. But when opening week came, I heard great reviews from my friends about it and decided  to see for myself!

Photos from Ateneo BlueRep LSOH Page

It was only then that I found out that friends of mine, Tina Ramos, Maronne Cruz, and Roxci de Leon were playing Audrey II, Audrey and Crystal respectively. I knew I had to watch this immediately — after hearing covers of songs these people have made, aside from hearing them sing live, how could you ever say no? I can honestly say, with no bias at all, that my mind was definitely blown after seeing them act and sing the songs flawlessly!

Unfortunately, the male lead, Luis Marcelo apparently got sick and had to be substituted the same day I was going to watch the show. Members of the Blue Repertory who were also my friends had told me that the organization had called an alumnus to play the role of Seymour for the night. Surprisingly, I was in for one hell of a show! A few minutes before the show actually started, I heard that the said alumnus was no other than a friend of mine, Reb Atadero! I always knew how great of a performer he was but this was the only chance to actually see it for myself! And he delivered past expectations — an effortless performance learned and memorized in less than a day! What a guy!

Reb performing the role of Seymour

Photo from Reb Atadero’s Facebook Profile

Truly amazing. It took me the rest of the night to recover from this mind that was truly blown by an amazing performance by the cast.


Love life because this is life,


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Filed under Martha Loves Life

New drama “Princess’ Man”

The drama Princess’ man is earning so much interest and love from it’s viewers.

It is about story of two Princesses named Seryung and Gyunghye.

It has love stories of both girls and also political relations between their families.

The setting is early Joseon Dynasty period.

In this drama it is not only love stories that can I look forwarded to,

but also the Korea traditional costumes.

Characters in the drama wear very pretty and nice costumes.

And I am very sure that viewers will definitely fall in love with

their costumes too as much as they love the story.


Lovely and lively girl who will be princess after her father

steals the throne from her cousin.

However, she falls in love with Kim Seong Yoo who is her family’s foe.

Gyung Hye Princess

Prettiest woman/princess in Joseon Dynasty.

She lived a happy life until her father dies of illness.

She is cousin of Seryung.

Kim Seong Yoo

Teacher in School that only royal families’ children go to.

Teacher of Gyung Hye princess who would result

into teaching Seryung due to two girls’ joke that changed everybody’s lives.

He falls in love with Seryung but their love is dangerous

since he is Seryung’s family’s foe.

Watch this drama it is super fun 🙂

every Wednesday, Thursday at 10pm(Korea’s time) in KBS2 Channel

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Filed under Hanna in "K-culture"

Minimal Effort: A Rascal’s Guide to Doing Schoolwork




1. a base, dishonest, or unscrupulous person.
2. a mischievous person or animal: That child is a real rascal.
Whether we admit it or not, we’ve all had those moments when we feel too lazy to do school work and
 we find ourselves leeching off from others just to be able to submit a requirement.
I, personally, am very experienced when it comes to having rascal moments which is why I’m giving out a few tips, not to stop you from becoming a rascal, but to help you  become a better rascal. 😉
So here are some of my tried and tested ways of how to make those rascal moments as productive as rascal moments go. 😀
Rascal tip #1: Cram Effectively
 If you do something wrong, might as well do it right. Cramming is a negative attitude and it  is a habbit that can be very diffult to get rid of. Since you can do nothing about it, might as well learn how to do it efficiently. If you plan to do something at the last minute, be sure that you have a gameplan up your sleeve. You can create a ‘Cram Time Table’ which allows you to allot a certain number of hours for one schoolwork and another set of hours for another school work. This way, although you’re end products are half-baked, you can finish them all and submit them to get at least a C. That’s good enough for sure. :))
Rascal Tip #2: Sugar Sugar Sugar
 Sugar is your bestfriend. Hellweeks are no joking matter. The night before a long test, trying to keep yourself awake is a task that is next to impossible given the boring nature of the subject you’re studying. Thebest way to keep the Zs away is to treat yourself to a bottle/bottles of fizzy soda, energy drink or any beverage whose sugar content is enough to bake an entire birthday cake. Not only is the sugar rush great, but you get to finish studying for that accounting long test.
Rascal Tip #3: Take the Lead
I know you’re all like. “WTF IS THIS GUY SAYING? RASCALS DON’T TAKE THE LEAD!” Well, sometimes in order to be a better rascal sacrifices have to be made. ;)When you’re in a group, volunteer to be the leader. As the leader, you have the privilege of assigning roles to the memebers of the group, so the best thing to do is to give the difficult roles to the more responsible ones and keep the more mediocre tasks for yourself. That way, you don’t mess up your group work and you get to have a good night’s rest.

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