Category Archives: From WhatEveryoneLikes

It’s all random and we all like random

Hey there person!

Let’s cut the pleasantries and head straight to the important things in life primarily, what on earth is this blog all about. Well, in a nutty nutshell, whateveryonelikes is a blog that showcases the most random–yet addictively interesting– aspects of this whacko thing we call a life.

This blog knows no boundaries in that we will blow your minds with the most random Trends, Television, Tech and Talk; we will entertain you with stories about you, about me, about us, about everything from cars and trains to riding the bus, from betrayal and trust, to mistakes and heartaches  AND to just about anything that interests that insane brain of yours.

In short, it will be a marriage of your interests and my interest and whose beautiful children will be the features of this blog. =))

To start this bittersweet  (albeit random) relationship off, here’s a YouTube video of, what could be, the happiest man on earth. 🙂

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mambungo the Dancing Warrior


-Team Random

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Filed under From WhatEveryoneLikes, PJ's Brain Juice