Category Archives: PJ’s Brain Juice

FeedBack Please

Hello Readers :D,

The viewership these past months have been astounding and we want to thank all of you for that! 😀

In order to further improve the quality of our blog, we would like to hear from you.

Go to the FeedBack Page and answer our short survey. Thank you kind fellows. 😀





P.S. Just to add spice to this week’s post, here’s a pretty interesting (and hilarious) video.

P.P.S. Go the F**k to Sleep is an actual poem. :))

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Filed under PJ's Brain Juice

Minimal Effort: A Rascal’s Guide to Doing Schoolwork




1. a base, dishonest, or unscrupulous person.
2. a mischievous person or animal: That child is a real rascal.
Whether we admit it or not, we’ve all had those moments when we feel too lazy to do school work and
 we find ourselves leeching off from others just to be able to submit a requirement.
I, personally, am very experienced when it comes to having rascal moments which is why I’m giving out a few tips, not to stop you from becoming a rascal, but to help you  become a better rascal. 😉
So here are some of my tried and tested ways of how to make those rascal moments as productive as rascal moments go. 😀
Rascal tip #1: Cram Effectively
 If you do something wrong, might as well do it right. Cramming is a negative attitude and it  is a habbit that can be very diffult to get rid of. Since you can do nothing about it, might as well learn how to do it efficiently. If you plan to do something at the last minute, be sure that you have a gameplan up your sleeve. You can create a ‘Cram Time Table’ which allows you to allot a certain number of hours for one schoolwork and another set of hours for another school work. This way, although you’re end products are half-baked, you can finish them all and submit them to get at least a C. That’s good enough for sure. :))
Rascal Tip #2: Sugar Sugar Sugar
 Sugar is your bestfriend. Hellweeks are no joking matter. The night before a long test, trying to keep yourself awake is a task that is next to impossible given the boring nature of the subject you’re studying. Thebest way to keep the Zs away is to treat yourself to a bottle/bottles of fizzy soda, energy drink or any beverage whose sugar content is enough to bake an entire birthday cake. Not only is the sugar rush great, but you get to finish studying for that accounting long test.
Rascal Tip #3: Take the Lead
I know you’re all like. “WTF IS THIS GUY SAYING? RASCALS DON’T TAKE THE LEAD!” Well, sometimes in order to be a better rascal sacrifices have to be made. ;)When you’re in a group, volunteer to be the leader. As the leader, you have the privilege of assigning roles to the memebers of the group, so the best thing to do is to give the difficult roles to the more responsible ones and keep the more mediocre tasks for yourself. That way, you don’t mess up your group work and you get to have a good night’s rest.

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Filed under PJ's Brain Juice

It tasted like feet!

A few days ago, my friends and I went to his hole-in-the-wall italian restaurant in Maginhawa. Although Maginhawa is slowly gaining popularity as a hot spot for delicious yet affordable food, the place we went to was ok at best.  hahahaha.
Still, it was a worthwhile food adventure that i will never forget. 😉 Watch the video and see what happened. 😉
PS This video is a collaboration (albeit an unwilling one hahaha) with my friends from

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Filed under PJ's Brain Juice

Time to be MANLY!

As of late, it’s quite noticeable that the recent blog entries here have been directed towards a more feminine tone. Yes, there’s nothing wrong with that but we are called whatEVERYONElikes for a reason. 😉 So here’s a beer mug toast to all  you men out there.

I mean no offense to our female readers but I think it’s best if we man-up this blog (just a little bit) and dedicate this post to nothing but manly things. (and yes, this is a ‘That’s what she said’ moment) 

It’s time to get out of the kitchen.

Disclaimer: I won’t be talking about porn. maybe something similar to that. 😉 and the underlined things are links to manliness so click it. 

1. Epic Mealtime  

This is what happens when men use the kitchen.

What makes this manly:

  1. What’s more manly than a group of mean looking men cooking AND eating high calorie meals which are generally made out of tons of  meat or a truckload of candy or  bags after bags of fastfood? NOTHING
  2. HOT GIRLS eating meat and dripping with chocolate sauce. (the entire sentence had to be bold)
  3. BACON – enough said.

The best EMT episode

2. Hot Chicks

I don’t mean that hot chicks are manly ’cause that would be wrong on so many levels – but being around hot chicks is really really manly.

What makes this manly:

  1. Nothing pleases a man more than a hot chick. The sight, the touch and even the smell of a hot chick never fails to arouse the manliness in a man.
  2. Hot chicks go well with anything manly – hot chicks and cars, hot chicks and guns even hot chicks AND hot chicks. 
  3. The love of a hot chick is something all men would kill for. Imagine waking up everyday next to Megan Fox or Allison Brie. DAAAMN.
3. Beer
Liquid Confidence, Beauty in a Bottle, Nectar of the Gods – beer has been man’s best friend since the beginning of time.
What makes this manly:
  1. As men, we are expected to do hard labor, work with our hands and sweat on the pavement. What better way to end a day of rough manly activities than to sit down with an ice cold bottle of beer on a soft leather couch? NOTHING
  2. Beer is a sign of manhood ever since the beginning of recorded history. It is believed to have been invented by one of the world’s first manly man: Hammurabi. In fact, some of humanity’s earliest known writings refer to the production and distribution of beer: the Code of Hammurabi included laws regulating beer and beer parlors. In ancient Egypt, beer was given as a gift to a boy when he is able to slay his first offering.
  3. Beer has been known to cure one of man’s worst downers-chicks. Just swig a bottle or two and you have gained enough confidence to approach a hot one or lost enough sanity to entertain an ugly one.
Cheers to all you manly men!


Filed under PJ's Brain Juice

It’s all random and we all like random

Hey there person!

Let’s cut the pleasantries and head straight to the important things in life primarily, what on earth is this blog all about. Well, in a nutty nutshell, whateveryonelikes is a blog that showcases the most random–yet addictively interesting– aspects of this whacko thing we call a life.

This blog knows no boundaries in that we will blow your minds with the most random Trends, Television, Tech and Talk; we will entertain you with stories about you, about me, about us, about everything from cars and trains to riding the bus, from betrayal and trust, to mistakes and heartaches  AND to just about anything that interests that insane brain of yours.

In short, it will be a marriage of your interests and my interest and whose beautiful children will be the features of this blog. =))

To start this bittersweet  (albeit random) relationship off, here’s a YouTube video of, what could be, the happiest man on earth. 🙂

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mambungo the Dancing Warrior


-Team Random

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Filed under From WhatEveryoneLikes, PJ's Brain Juice